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2019-05-26 05:17:44 UTC
Some time ago I saw David Copperfield make a Lear Jet
disapear, and then recently watched a magician on TV
make the space shuttle disappear while it was a all
tied down and anchored tight to the ground, Then he made it
The question is: HOW did they do this with such large objects?
yes tillman hauser i see at left side twoards tv or youtube video left side of the video screen as that part of front screen being lift up by illusionist crew i see a guy in black shirt move away to leave a big open gap for airplane to be wheeled away and my guess is illusion crew helpers are hidden inside the =plane get out of there secret hidding areas and help pull jet out the back of square cage and all those lights just ;ike liberty vanish and reappear and thriteen or more people vanish black art lighting scemes dead black against dead black is absent of shadows with a black light any bright colors like neon colors or white gloves stands out more ps card board cut outs in front area by black thick line half cut one for to look like from sides of airplane and other half cut plays side bACK SECTION OF AIRPLANE IN SHADOW FORM IDEAS CONCEPTS islation of intrest perspective views time misdirection williamnpdisapear, and then recently watched a magician on TV
make the space shuttle disappear while it was a all
tied down and anchored tight to the ground, Then he made it
The question is: HOW did they do this with such large objects?